Anchor Girl

"Work like you don't need money, Love like you've never been hurt, And dance like no one's watching."

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Signs of Spring

There are sometimes in life when you wish you had a camera to capture a moment.

Yesterday morning was one of those moments...

I was standing in our dining room, looking out the window into our backyard. I looked down and noticed a bunny rabbit nibbling on some grass. I watched him for a few moments, and then left to finish getting ready for work. Before I walked out the door, I went back to see if he was still there. He was... and he had another friend with him. As I looked past the two rabbits, I noticed a mother duck and 6 baby ducks walking toward the creek at the back of our yard. All of them walked down into the creek, and the mother duck walked up onto the opposite bank. One by one, each baby duck jumped out of the creek and landed successfully on the opposite bank... all except for the last baby. He tried 3 times before he successfully made it.

I knew by the time I ran to get my camera, the two rabbits and mother duck with her babies would be gone. But, it was such a sight to see... all in our backyard.

It's been awhile since I've posted. So, I'll give an update on my Weight Watchers progress. I've lost 35 pounds since starting the program 18 weeks ago. :-) I need to post some pictures to show off the "new me". :-)


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