Anchor Girl

"Work like you don't need money, Love like you've never been hurt, And dance like no one's watching."

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Sometimes life has a way of changing right in the middle of things.

And, suddenly you end up going in a completely different direction than you had planned or even intended.

When I first walked into a Weight Watchers meeting on Saturday, February 2, 2008, I never imagined the way in which it would completely change my life in more ways than just the weight.

On Wednesday, April 8, I parted ways with Junior Achievement. Good, bad, or indifferent...

Now almost 3 months later, I'm much happier and content with the direction my life is taking.

Don't misunderstand me... I certainly wasn't dissatisfied with my "old" life. I have an absolutely amazing and wonderful husband, Bob, who I sometimes wonder why he's with me. I have unbelievable parents and a great brother, sister-in-law and adorable niece --- as well as wonderful aunts and cousins and my "in-law" family too! And, I have many, many friends who are always there for me.

However, it wasn't until I made a major life altering change that I realized something that I'd been missing in my life --- purpose!!

I am now pursuing a career with Weight Watchers as a meeting leader! My weight loss journey was an incredible experience for me! ( Now, I am able to help others reach their goals and find their own journey.

I began working for WW in January of this year as a meeting receptionist. I weigh-in members, distribute materials, prepare meeting stats/tallies, etc. I decided to work for WW at first to keep me in check with my weight loss. As employees, we have to weigh-in monthly and maintain our goal weight.

However, after working at a couple meetings, I loved it!

Soon after starting, I was given a permanent position as receptionist at the WW North Olmsted Center on Saturday mornings. (Yes, those of you who know Bob and I boat are probably wondering... how do you work on Saturdays and boat?? It's not easy... but, I have an incredibly wonderful husband --- I mentioned that already, right?? --- and he's been very understanding!)

I loved working at the meetings!! And, I know it showed both to the members and to my family and friends! I need to be at the WW North Olmsted Center by 6:15AM on Saturdays (Yes, I did say AM... as in EARLY MORNING!), so I have to get up at 5AM in order to get ready and get there in time. When the alarm goes off, I bounce out of bed and I'm on my way. Bob immediately noticed my change in attitude and happiness level.

Shortly after starting at North Olmsted, I met with my Territory Manager who suggested that I should attend BLS in May in Cleveland (BLS = Basic Leader Skills --- training to lead meetings). I said that I hadn't thought much about becoming a leader... but, I was honored that she considered me "leader material".

So, in mid-May I attended BLS and had an AMAZING experience!!! I met so many wonderful and inspiring people!!!

(Side note... all WW employees have to have been members and achieved Lifetime status, meaning... the members reach their goals, go through 6-weeks of maintenance and as long as they're within 2 pounds of their goal weight at the end of maintenance become Lifetime WW Members and can attend meetings for FREE.)

The day after BLS ended, I was given my first meeting assignment as a Leader at Strongsville Rec Center on Wednesday mornings. My very first meeting as a Leader was on my birthday (May 19)! (Check out my name under Strongsville Rec Center - Wednesdays @ 9:30am!!!,2,3,4,5,6,7&mt=)

Since then, I've been given 7 additional meetings... including one meeting At Work (where I go into a business once a week and hold a WW Meeting). In addition to my 8 meetings, I'm the Location Coordinator for the WW North Olmsted Center. I order inventory, merchandise the products, create bulletin boards, and keep the center running.

I'm absolutely loving my new "career"! I'm working my way up to full-time status with WW.

I feel as if I have PURPOSE!!! I'm so excited to be able to inspire members and to help them find their way along their weight loss journey. I've met so many wonderful people. And, I'm always amazed at their determination and attitude.

This new journey is unlike anything that I've ever done before. I'll be honest... at times, it's scary! But, the majority of the time, it's exhilarating and very exciting!!! I haven't been this happy in quite some time. (And, I must thank my husband for being so incredibly understanding and patient with me! I'm so lucky to have him with me on my journey through life!!)

I haven't been very good at blogging... actually, I've been downright awful! And, I keep saying, "I'll get better!" I will try. I promise! I've been busy with life's "detour". But, it's been worth it!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

SYC St. Patrick's Day Party

(I seem to only post about holidays!)

On Saturday, Bob and I attended Sandusky Yacht Club's annual St. Patrick's Day party... along with 10 of our wonderful boating friends. We had a great night!

Here are some pictures:

Me and the green beer! (Yes, I drank it!)

Bob & I ("infamous" self-portrait - 2009!)

Bob & I at the 2008 SYC Party! (LAST YEAR!!) Look at the difference. I had only been doing Weight Watchers for about 6 weeks. Crazy....

Ok...... back to a few more photos of my wonderful, yet crazy, husband, Bob, from THIS year's event!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

New Year

Well, it certainly has been a long time since my last post.

We celebrated Thanksgiving
(Bob proudly showing off his deep-fried turkey)

(our 2nd Christmas as a married couple with our tree purchased on sale after last Christmas)

New Year's

(using Bob's new iPhone to take our "infamous" self-portrait)

and it's now Valentine's Day!
(photo with "hoops" from Hallmark's "hoops and yoyo" -- my Valentine's Day present)

Besides all the usual holiday festivities... there hasn't really been much to report. We spent today (Valentine's Day) going to the Marblehead Lighthouse in Port Clinton. One of our very first dates was a Saturday afternoon/evening spent "at the lake" in February 2004. That day, we visited the lighthouse and walked out onto the ice... where I almost fell through! (Not really... just my foot broke into the ice... but I was in no danger of falling in!

(These are some photos taken today! It was cold, windy and brisk! Looking at the lake, it's hard to believe that we boat on it during the summer. There was no sound from the water hitting the shore. It was fairly quiet... except for the wind!)

Today, after visiting the lighthouse and returning to the car to "defrost", we headed to Sandusky to have lunch at the Sandusky Yacht Club. We miss going there. Last summer, we ate there at least twice every weekend.

These next photos have nothing to do with anything... but they're too cute!!
(It's me and Schadling!)

Well, it's been 4+ months since I reached Lifetime status with Weight Watchers! I'm doing well. It's amazing how my outlook has changed on food. I make better choices and eat smaller portions. AND... I'm now working part-time as a Weight Watchers Receptionist! :-) I attend meetings and assist members with weigh-in and their meeting materials. I haven't officially been assigned to a weekly meeting, so I'm filling in at various locations. I'm really enjoying the work! I decided that this would be a perfect opportunity for me to assist others with their Weight Watchers journey. Since I had such a positive and rewarding experience, I want others to do the same. PLUS, as employees, we need to weigh-in monthly so it's great incentive to keep up my weight loss. (I'm currently 7 pounds below my goal weight!)

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

My Grandma

My grandma passed away on Monday, October 27 at the age of 94. I will miss her more than I could ever express in words. She was an incredible woman, full of wit and charm.

She lived to see her 6 grandchildren get married, including Bob and I last October... and she even lived to see 6 great-grandchildren. The above photo of grandma and I is one of my cherished photos, along with another one taken with my mom, grandma and I on my wedding day. I will never forget my wedding day, not only because I married the love of my life... but, I will never forget my grandma's excitement to share in my special day. She smiled every time she saw me that day, and smiled when she saw Bob too. I feel so blessed that she was able to be there for the most wonderful day of my life.

My grandma was born in 1914. I keep thinking about all the things that she witnessed in her life. Two World Wars (among others); The Great Depression; the Automobile evolution; the invention of televisions, microwaves, computers...

I have so many memories of grandma. Our many, many, many shopping trips to KMart come to mind, as well as numerous macaroni dinners on Thursdays and Sundays at her house. And, pulling into her driveway and smelling the garlic as you got out of the car. Speaking of smells... I remember our "infamous" Christmas Eve meals of smelts, pierogis, french fries, green beans and the "special Christmas Eve noodles" which we never have any other day! I remember her babysitting my brother and I and playing cards with us and her singing us to sleep. I remember family vacations in the motorhome to Walt Disney World and Frankemuth, Michigan. And, thanks to Bob... I will always remember the way she'd wrinkle up her nose if she ate something she didn't like. (He always laughed when she did that!)

We all should be so lucky to live a full life surrounded by wonderful family and caring friends. I can only hope that my life is so wonderful and that I leave an incredible legacy like her.

Grandma... I love you and miss you very much!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Our 1st Anniversary

Bob and I celebrated our first anniversary yesterday. I cannot believe a year has gone by! We had our 1-year old cake... which was surprisingly very good! :-)

The best part of the day was trying on my wedding dress! Since I've lost 50 pounds on Weight Watchers, I decided to try on my wedding dress to see how it fit.

(By the way... I'm now a LIFETIME member having made my goal and maintained the weight loss for 6 weeks. HOORAY!!)

Here's a "before" picture...
(courtesy of our photographer... Rich Pappas of Dreamcatcher Studios)

Now... here's an "after" picture...
(courtesy of my husband, Bob!)

Thursday, October 09, 2008

My Sarah Experience...

For those of you who know me... I am not a person who likes to talk politics. I don't even like to think about politics. It confuses me, frustrates me, and hurts my head. Politics just really isn't my "cup of tea".

And, for those of you that know this about me... you also know that my husband LOVES to talk politics, especially with people who don't share his same opinion. (He's always interested in what other people think and why... and he'll never tell anyone that they're wrong or silly for thinking differently than him. He truly wants to "see the other side".)

So given what you already know about me and about Bob... you might be VERY surprised to learn that Bob and I attended the John McCain/Sarah Palin Rally in our hometown of Strongsville, Ohio yesterday afternoon (Oct. 8) because I wanted to go!

Yes, I did say that I wanted to go! It was MY idea to go!

I am a Sarah Palin fan.

There it is... I said it!

I admire her.

I admire where she is in life and how she got there. She wasn't born into the "right" family and fell into the political world because of her last name. She didn't marry the "right" person and used that last name to carry her political career. She didn't cheat or lie or take bribes or do what most other politicians do in order to get where she is today.

She's unique. She's different. She's a "breath of fresh air".

And yet... she's ordinary.

She has troubles and worries. Her life isn't perfect. Her kids aren't perfect. And, maybe she doesn't use the perfect words all the time. But, that's exactly why people CAN and DO relate to her. It's why people believe in her. It's why people see hope in her. It's why people are so excited about her.

Why should we want more of the same? More of the corruption? More of the lies? More of the confusion? We should EXPECT more. We should DEMAND more.

Sarah Palin has broken through the "elusive" glass ceiling.

It upsets me to hear women say, "I'm a feminist. I believe that a woman can do and should be able to do whatever a man can do. I believe in strong women. I believe in empowering women."

Then, these same women who call themselves "feminists" say mean and horrible things about Sarah Palin. They say that she's only on the ticket because she's a women. They say she's a "sympathy" vote. They say that she should be at home with her children. They say she shouldn't be running a state or running for the VP office.

Women who say they're feminists and aren't over joyed by Sarah Palin's success are not TRUE feminists. They are SELECTIVE feminists. They don't support women. They only support women who share their same beliefs... their same ideals... and their same political views. (You can take that however you'd like...)

Women who are strong and powerful through their own abilities, like Sarah Palin, scare these so called "feminists"!

I will step down from my soapbox, and talk about the rally........

How I ended up at the rally
On the way to work this past Monday, I heard that McCain and Palin would be visiting the City Commons in our hometown of Strongsville, Ohio. I felt a strong desire to go. I talked to Bob when I arrived at work, and asked if he'd be willing to go with me. So, I RSVP'd online for tickets.

(To make a long story short... the decision was made the day before the rally to move the location to the Strongsville Recreation Center due to the threat of storms on rally day... people needed tickets to get in and even though there was on option to RSVP online, you still needed a ticket. It appeared that we were out of luck with no tickets... however, thanks to some e-mails I wrote and a generous person (who shall remain nameless...) I was able to secure us TWO tickets!)

Doors were set to open at 2:15pm with the programming beginning at 4:15pm and the McCain/Palin arrival around 5pm. We arrived at the Strongsville Recreation Center around 1:30pm... to see a MASSIVE line of people that weaved in and out of the parking lots surrounding the center.

My heart sank!

I knew that there was no way that everyone would make it into the building. Figuring that they gave away more tickets than could fit into the building... we still proceeded to find the end of the line (about a half mile away). We figured that a pre-determined number of people would be in the rec's gym, and then another pre-determined number would be seated in the banquet center watching the rally on closed-circuit TV.

We decided that we were not going to stay if we couldn't be in the gym.

The LONG wait in line...

I have NEVER seen so many people gathered together like that. It was incredible!

At 2:15pm, the line started to move...

About halfway to the doors, we passed by some protesters. The Obama fans would shot jeers and the McCain fans would shot jeers right back. It was somewhat amusing...

Everyone waiting in line was upbeat and excited... despite the fact that the majority of us weren't sure if we'd even make it into the gym! (And, the dark and cloudy skies threatening to pour on us at any minute...)

We made it!

At 3:40pm, we walked into the Rec Center lobby and went through the metal detectors. Around 3:50pm, we entered the gym!!! As we walked through the doors, the fire marshall was talking to a rally organizer. The fire marshall said, "I'm at my comfort level for the number of people in this room." The organizer said, "I'm happy with the number we have in here, so we can stop at any time."

Bob and I were literally one of the last few people to enter the gym!!! This turned out to be a good thing because there weren't many people behind us, so we had a clear path to the exit and could feel the cooler air coming in.

For the next hour, we listened to local politicians talk about why we should vote for them. And, the crowd began to grow weary... wanting McCain and Palin to arrive.


One of the most inspiring moments of the entire day was a local singer who performed "I'm Proud to be an American". I actually felt my eyes welling up with tears. It was unbelievably moving to be standing in a gym with at least 2,000 other individuals all singing together.

All wanting the same thing.

No matter what your political beliefs.

No matter who you're voting for.

No matter who was about to get up on that stage....... I believe the experience of waiting in the long line and standing in the sea of people was an extremely empowering and awe-inspiring experience.

I'm having difficulty finding the right words to describe how I felt. Maybe you just needed to be there...


Around 5:40pm, John & Cindy McCain along with their daughter, Megan, and Sarah Palin arrived on stage to deafening cheers from the crowd.

Cindy McCain introduced Sarah Palin. The crowded cheered... SARAH, SARAH, SARAH... it was unbelievable!!

And, Sarah spoke... (I won't go into the particulars... because it's not important to my story.) She truly appeared genuine. (And definitely more stunning in person...)

I kept thinking... here's this incredible woman from Alaska, of all places... and people in Strongsville, Ohio, of all places, are chanting her name!

How does she feel?

What is she thinking at this exact moment?

Does she ever wonder how she got to this point?

Does she ever stop to think about everything that's going on?

Does she realize what a role model she is?

A little girl across the room held up a pink sign that read... "When I grow up, I want to be Sarah Palin!" There were so many little girls in the room, straining to get a glimpse of her... standing on their tip toes... asking to sit on their father's shoulders... What a powerful and memorable experience for them! I thought about my 2-year old niece and what she has to look forward to as she grows up.

(I'll quickly get to the end... and the GOOD PART... following Sarah... she introduced Brady Quinn and Joe Thomas from the Cleveland Browns. Quinn introduced McCain, and McCain spoke.)

NOW... the GOOD part!

Unfortunately, Bob couldn't stay until the very end because he had to get to a boating class that he was teaching. So, he left shortly after 6pm. But, I stayed until the end.

Following the conclusion of McCain's speech, the four of them proceeded to follow along the edge of the stage (behind the barriers) and shake hands and sign autographs with the crowd. At some point, I realized that the number of people in the room had decreased, and I was able to move forward toward the stage. McCain, his wife and daughter, moved quickly around the perimeter of the stage and left the gym.

However, not Sarah!

She spent over 20 minutes greeting the supporters... shaking hands, signing autographs, kissing babies, and even signing babies butts!

I stood there and watched as Sarah greeted people... polite and courteous. Her actions and words were very genuine. She truly appeared to appreciate everyone's out pouring of support... as if she was humbled by all the attention. She took the time to engage people in conversations. And, look beyond the people standing right in front of her to those standing further back. She didn't embody the "politician presence" that so many of them exhibit.

She was standing there... right in front of me... and I was in awe.

At one point I realized that I was too busy snapping photos to realize that I could have reached my arm out and had her autograph my sign.

Soooooo close....

She moved to the back of the stage where the VIPs were sitting and I decided to start heading for the door. But, I realized that the barrier had been moved and people were walking into the area trying to meet Sarah.

So, I walked over and came sooooooo close to getting her autograph. I held out my sign in front of her. BUT... the secret service guy next to her, pushed my sign back... and the secret service guy behind me pulled my elbow back. Soon after, she had left the gym as well.

Final Thoughts...

I left the Strongsville Recreation Center knowing that I had experienced something special that day, something great.

I am a Sarah Palin fan.

She's an inspiration, not only to women but to men as well. She's a regular person who has risen to such a high position by working hard and fighting for what is right.

Whether you have the same political views as Sarah Palin or not is irrelevant. The fact that she is who is and has accomplished what she has is reason enough to admire her.

No one owes her anything. She does not ask for anything. She goes out there with a "matter of fact" attitude and gets the job done.

But most importantly:
(And these are words taken from someone I love and admire very much... you know who you are...)

She does not ASK for your respect or mine. She EARNS it on her own.


I have to say that I'm quite impressed with myself for writing this blog entry. I think this is the most that I've ever "talked" politics. And, technically... I didn't "talk" politics. My admiration for Sarah Palin has nothing to do with government or political views or right vs. wrong... but, more to do with an ordinary woman doing extraordinary things. Sarah Palin has proven that women can and will continue to do extraordinary things.

I hope that little girl with the pink sign grows up to be just like Sarah Palin. Our world can use more ordinary women doing extraordinary things!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Condo for Sale!

19834 Dell Dr is a beautiful free standing cluster home nestled in a wooded area of Strongsville, Ohio. More like a house than a condo, the home does not share a wall with any neighbor. The home has 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths and one half bath. Located almost in the center of Strongsville on a cul-de-sac street, the neighborhood is very quiet and well maintained.

Visit for more information!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Happy 30th!

Happy 30th Birthday to my brother, Stephen!!!

It's hard to believe that my "little" brother is 30!!! I will always think of him as my "little" brother... but, he's truly not "little" anymore. He's all grown up... married... with an adorable daughter who will be 2 years old in a month.

Bob and I, along with my parents and grandma, were invited to my brother's house for a yummy meatloaf dinner that my sister-in-law cooked (per my brother's birthday request).

Monday, August 25, 2008

Grandma, you will be missed...

Today we lost a wonderful and caring person... Grandma Mueller. The photo above was taken on our wedding day last year. Bob and I feel so blessed that Grandma and Grandpa Mueller were able to attend our ceremony. With their health problems, there was serious doubt that they would be there to share in our special day. But, as I stood in the back of the church, my girls came in to tell me that Grandma and Grandpa Mueller had made it. I was so excited! And, my photographer told me before the ceremony that he even convinced them to take a photo with Bob... which I'm sure was no easy accomplishment! (Unfortunately, they left the church immediately following the ceremony, so there wasn't time to take a photo of Bob and I with them... but, the one above will be cherished forever.)

Grandma and Grandpa Mueller welcomed me into the family long before Bob made it "official" and put a ring on my finger. One of the first times that I met Bob's extended family was at a gathering at his grandparents house for his grandma's birthday. They are such warm and welcoming people, and I always felt right at home with them. Through the past few years, Bob and I have frequently brought dinner over to their house and would spend hours talking about politics and other worldly events. (And recently, they have both been so supportive of my weight loss journey... encouraging and congratulating me each step of the way.) I truly enjoy each of our visits with them! And, I believe that they enjoyed our visits just as much as we did. There's a great Chinese restaurant in Medina called Happy Garden, and we often bring food from there for dinner. (It's so yummy!) Grandma Mueller would get something different each time we visited. Bob once asked her if she planned to try the entire menu, and she said yes!

I will miss Grandma Mueller dearly. She had a great laugh and warm smile! Even though, I married into the family... I consider Bob's family as my own.

Grandpa Mueller is already asking when we'll be bringing Happy Garden again for dinner. Next time, I might just have to stray away from my "usual" and try something new in honor of Grandma. :-)

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Meet the "new" me!!!!

On February 2, 2008, I began a journey of finding the "new" me!

On August 16, 2008, I completed the first phase of that journey. I reached my Weight Watchers goal!!!!

I started my journey weighing 232.8 lbs. During my journey, I lost 48.8 lbs. to reach my goal weight of 184 lbs.

The journey began when I walked into the Strongsville Recreation Center for my very first Weight Watchers meeting on February 2. I went alone and knew no one. As I was signing in at the front desk, a lady was in front of me and asked if I was going to Weight Watchers. I said, "Yes, I'm new." She said, "My name's Pat. You can follow me and I'll help you!" Pat became my first "Weight Watcher Friend" and a wonderful motivator and celebrator of my successes.

I never thought getting to goal would be possible. I figured that I'd stick with the program for a few weeks, or even a month or so and then give up. But, I totally surprised myself! I read all the materials, used the online resources and talked to everyone I could find who was currently in Weight Watchers or who had done the program. Once the weight started coming off that was all the motivation I needed to keep going.

When I reached my goal on Saturday (8/16/08), my WW friend, Pat, was there to celebrate with me! Whenever I had something to celebrate at the meeting, Pat stands up and says, "It's Happy Dance Time!!" She'd dance around in a circle and wave her arms above her head. She told me that when I reached goal, she would form a "Happy Dance Congo Line!"

So, when Jen (our fabulously wonderful leader) came to the "Celebration" part of the meeting on Saturday, she asked me to share my good news. "I made goal!!", I shouted!!!! Everyone clapped and cheered. Pat stood up, and said, "It's Happy Dance Congo Line time!!" I jumped up and Pat followed me around the room while we cheered.

As I type this... it may sound crazy to you... but, let me tell you, it was fabulous!!!! There were a few members at the meeting who I've seen before. We're familiar with each other's journey and progress, and have chatted before/after the meeting. And, there were some people who I'd never met before. But, at that moment... it didn't matter! EVERYONE was excited for me because I had made my goal!!

It was an amazing feeling that I'll never forget!! I have gained so much support and confidence from attending the meetings each week. (I'm so dedicated that even though we're boating on the weekends in Sandusky and I can't attend my regular Strongsville meeting, I attend a meeting in Sandusky! But... I always wish I was in Strongsville with my regular WW friends!!!)

So, without further delay... let me share with you some pictures to show my progress: (You can also look at some earlier posts for some "pre-NEW ME" photos!)

September 2007 (photo date Sept. 15, 2007)

Christmas 2007 (photo date December 25, 2007)

Valentine's Day 2008 (two weeks after starting Weight Watchers)

Keith & Kristen's Wedding (photo taken April 5, 2008)

New Hair and Color in celebration of WW 10% goal
(photo date April 29, 2008)

My Birthday Weekend (photo date May 17, 2008)

July 2008 (photo date July 16, 2008)

GOAL!!!! (photo date August 16, 2008)

Earlier in this post, I said that on August 16, 2008, I completed the "first phase of the journey". Yes, even though I made it to my goal... there's still more to come. For the next 6 weeks, I will go on a maintenance plan where I'll increase my daily food and attempt to stop losing weight and maintain my weight. At the end of the 6 weeks, if I am no more than 2 lbs. over my goal, I will achieve LIFETIME MEMBER status with Weight Watchers!!!! (No more paying for meetings!!!)

AND........... I'm eligible to work for Weight Watchers! I can become a Meeting Leader or a Meeting Receptionist. My leader, Jen, has already asked me if I'd be interested and I said, definitely! :-)

I'm so proud of myself for everything that I've accomplished. I worked hard and made a HUGE and HEALTHY lifestyle change!! I couldn't have done it without the support of my wonderful family, especially my parents and grandma.... and my wonderful friends.

And most importantly my amazing husband!! (who has even lost some weight himself just from eating my new healthier cooking and trying to make better food choices for himself) Bob has truly been a wonderful support to me every step of the way. And, I'm certain that I couldn't have done it without his constant encouragement and love!

(Side note... it's been quite awhile since I've posted... and I haven't even talked about the week-long boat trip that Bob and I took at the end of July. I'll save that for another day!)